Happy New Year! What a time the transition from one year to another is. A time to look back at old accomplishment and create new and exciting goals for the upcoming year.
I am eternally grateful for all of the wonderful things I get to learn about business and aviation through this business. Surprisingly a lot you can learn from detailing airplanes.

Some highlights for Flygirl Aircraft Detailing this year

Although this was a jam packed year, there were a few things that went especially well:
Expanded our Offering List
Through advanced training (and a few
mistakes that we were able to correct)
Flygirl was able to add a new service
offering: Ceramic Coating. This was
challenging to get perfect, but I love
how amazing it looks and all of the
benefits and value it can provide our
Expanded Service Area
Through a partnership with Florida
Flight Maintenance in Venice we now
offer details for aircraft in Venice. This
is an exciting expansion from our
current home base in Punta Gorda.
Increased Maintenance Partners Flygirl partnered with another maintenance shop in Arcadia: Wingman Aviation. This
increases the convenience for our customers, to be able to have their aircraft come out of
maintenance or inspection freshly detailed.
Upcoming goals for this year
The goal is always expansion and growth, and I have some exciting things I'm hoping to accomplish in 2025. There are so many more things still to be learned and Flygirl is going to take them on one at a time (hopefully, but usually they come all at once).
Get Re-Occurring Commercial Contracts
To date I have detailed two jets, and that was AWESOME. A big step up would be to get
some commercial contracts on a more re-occurring basis. That is the next step to a very
legit company that will be well respected in the aviation world.

Expand Photo Service
In 2024 we soft launched a new service:
professional photography. A service
where you can have professional
aircraft photography taken right after
your aircraft is freshly detailed. I want
to expand more on this service and
offer it as an official Flygirl package in
Attend Aviation Events
Thus far Flygirl has not yet attended any aviation events. I think getting out and being a
more recognized band in the aviation community is an important part in a sustainable
business. I'm hoping to get out and network more in 2025.
Looking Forward
In 2024 we detailed 41 aircraft. I'm hoping to more than double that number in 2025. It has
been such an honor to celebrate a full year in business and I am so excited to see what we
have in store for the future. I can't wait to see what year 5 looks like. I have big plans and I
hope you'll stay tuned throughout this exciting journey.
Happy New Year!
